Status dostępności:
Wszystkie egzemplarze są obecnie wypożyczone: sygn. ME (1 egz.)
Strefa uwag:
Uwaga dotycząca zawartości
Zawiera: Part 1 Getting down to business: You and your attitude at work -- Becoming indispensable -- Time management -- Communication is the key -- Dealing with conflicts -- Part 2 The written word: Checks, applications, and other forms -- Faxes and e-mails -- Memos, notes, and letters -- Larger writing projects -- Proofreading -- Part 3 Moving up: Networking for stepping up -- Job applications, re´sume´s, and cover letters -- Job interviews -- Follow-up -- Part 4 Participating in and leading meetings: Meeting protocol and etiquette -- Brainstorming and decision-making meetings -- Team and department meetings -- Teleconferencing, videoconferencing, and webinars -- Part 5 Professional development: Self-evaluation -- Giving and accepting feedback -- Job coaching -- Performance evaluation meetings -- Resources for professional development.
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