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Zawiera: Get started -- You can't get it all done -- So what should you do? / by Peter Bregman -- Nine things successful people do differently -- It's not who you are : it's what you do/ by heidi grant halvorson -- Being more productive : an interview with david allen and tony schwartz -- Do you need the right system or the right frame of mind? / by Daniel McGinn -- Prioritize your work -- Get a raise by getting the right work done -- Focus on the work that will bring the greatest reward for your organization and for you / by Peter Bregman -- The worth-your-time test -- Stop wasting time on the wrong work / by Peter Bregman -- Say yes to saying no -- Make it easier to decline projects and invitations / by Alexandra Samuel -- Organize your time -- A practical plan for when you feel overwhelmed -- How to get started when you don't know where to begin / by Peter Bregman -- Stop procrastinating now -- Tips for breaking this bad habit / by Amy Gallo -- Don't let long-term projects become last-minute panic -- What to do when you have "all the time in the world" / by Peter Bregman -- Stop multitasking -- Do just one thing to get many things done / by Peter Bregman -- How to stay focused on what's important -- Stop fighting fires / by Gina Trapani -- To-do lists that work -- The secret is specificity / by Gina Trapani -- How to tackle your to-do list -- Use your calendar / by Peter Bregman -- Reward yourself for doing dreaded tasks -- When crossing items off your list just isn't enough / by Alexandra Samuel -- Delegate effectively -- Management time : who's got the monkey? -- Delegate. delegate. delegate / by William Oncken, Jr., and Donald L. Wass, with commentary by Stephen R. Covey -- Levels of delegation -- Teach them to fish / by Linda A. Hill and Kent Lineback -- Create rituals -- Ritual : how to get important work done -- Make good habits automatic / by Tony Schwartz -- Power through your day in 90-minute cycles -- Work with your body's natural rhythms / by Tony Schwartz -- An 18-minute plan for managing your day -- Frequent check-ins with yourself will keep you on course / by Peter Bregman -- Use a 10-minute diary to stay on track -- The best way to spend the last few minutes of your day / by Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer -- Renew your energy -- How to accomplish more by doing less -- Take breaks to get more done / by Tony Schwartz -- Manage your energy, not your time -- Time is limited, but your energy is not / by Tony Schwartz and Catherine McCarthy -- Why great performers sleep more -- And how you can, too / by Tony Schwartz -- Take control of your e-mail -- Simplify your e-mail -- Folders will do it / by Gina Trapani -- 8 e-mail overload experiments -- Don't be afraid to be extreme / by Alexandra Samuel -- Maintain your new approach -- Sustaining your productivity system -- You've become productive! : now keep it up / by Alexandra Samuel -- Explore further -- More productivity books to explore : summaries of three popular titles / by Covey, Morgenstern -- Productivity apps and tools -- Tech tools to keep you on track -- Index.
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